In una piccola città del nord Italia, un bambino, Matteo, cresce circondato da bare e con la madre gravemente malata. Sogna di andare via e morire da eroe in un’arena.
Nelle praterie dell’Andalusia, un vitello, Fandango, viene allevato per diventare un toro da corrida. Matteo e Fandango crescono in mondi distanti e paralleli per arrivare un giorno ad incontrarsi e affrontarsi, davanti a migliaia di persone.
Synopsis & details
In a small town in Northern Italy, a child, Matteo, grows up surrounded by coffins; her mother is aseriously ill. He dreams of going away and dying as a hero in an arena. In the grasslands of Andalusia, a calf, Fandango, is raised to become a bullfighting bull.
Matteo and Fandango grow up in distant and parallel worlds until one day they meet and face each other in front of thousands of people.
Spain – Italy
Genre: drama
Produced by: Jose Alba per Pecado Films (SP), Natacha Kucic per First Draft (SP), Daniele Segre e Daniele De Cicco per Redibis Film (IT), Paola Herrera per Una Comunión (MEX)
Directed by: Alessandro Pruno
Screenplay by: Alessandro Pugno, Natacha Kucic
Cast: Guillermo Bedward, Ian Caffo, Silvia Degrandi, Paola Sotgiu, Donovan Raham, Antonio Estrada, Brontis Jodorowsky, Juan Quiñones
Languages: Italian, Spanish
Status: coming soon
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