un film di LIVIA DE PAOLIS
È la storia di quattro generazioni di donne a partire dalla originaria Wendy Darling del classico Peter Pan. Proprio come sua nonna Wendy e sua madre Jane, la nostra Wendy dovrà trovare il modo di liberarsi dall’influenza di Peter Pan rompendo così la promessa fatta al ragazzo di non crescere mai. Interrogandosi se l’esperienza di queste donne nell’Isola Che Non C’è sia realmente avvenuta oppure se sia stata frutto di fenomeni allucinatori, il film segue la protagonista dall’infanzia all’età adulta, vedendola riconciliarsi con sua madre, sua figlia e, in fine, con un passato difficile da dimenticare e lasciarsi alle spalle.

Synopsis and details
Four generations of Darling women struggle with reality in the aftermath of their adventures with Peter Pan in Neverland. Like her grandmother and her mother Jane before her, Wendy must escape Pan’s hold on her and the promise he wants her to keep. THE LOST GIRLS dwells on the notion that four generations of Darling women either suffered hallucinatory episodes or, conversely, experienced an unparalleled life of the imagination. The story chronicles Wendy’s life from her childhood till her forties, as she recovers her creativity, which she believes she’s lost growing up, and heals her wounded relationships with her mother, her daughter and what she’s at last able to leave behind.

Genre: fantasy, drama
Produced by: Sam Tipper-Hale, Peter Touche e Livia De Paolis
Directed by: Livia De Paolis
Writer: Livia De Paolis
Cast: Joely Richardson, Vanessa Redgrave, Iain Glen, Livia De Paolis, Louis Partridge
Language: English
Versions: dubbed in Italian; OV with Italian subtitles
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