A pochi giorni dalla sua incoronazione, un incontro segreto con la donna che ama si trasforma per Riccardo nella lotta per la vita o la morte del futuro re d’Inghilterra. Sorpreso in un’imboscata da parte di mercenari assoldati da chi cospira misteriosamente per ucciderlo, Riccardo Cuor di Leone non ha alleati di cui fidarsi.
Solo, mentre incombe la guerra civile, il giovane principe sarà costretto ad affrontare i suoi nemici e le dure responsabilità della leadership.

Days away from his coronation, a secret meeting with the woman he loves turns into a life and death fight for survival for the future King of England, Richard the Lionheart. Ambushed by hired mercenaries, and with the identity of the man who ordered his murder a mystery, Richard is left
with no allies he can trust.
Standing alone as civil war looms, the young prince is forced to face not only his enemies, but the harsh responsibilities of leadership.

Genre: action, adventure
Produced by: Stuart Brennan, Gareth Wiley
Directed by: Stuart Brennan
Written by: Stuart Brennan
Cast: Stuart Brennan, John Rhys-Davies, Carolina Carlsson, Ryan Gage, David Hayman, Ian Hanmore
Language: English
Versions: dubbed in Italian; OV with Italian subtitles
Status: in digital on demand
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